The Board of Project Pride SRQ is very proud of the outreach events we have performed and we hope you are too! One of our mission initiatives is to connect the LGBTQ+ community with other non profits who serve the diverse segments of the Sarasota Community.
To date we are proud to say that we have:
• Collected food for Second Chance Last Opportunity serving the Newtown Community.
• Provided 100 Holiday bags for the homeless in Sarasota by joining with Streets of Paradise.
• Collected much needed baby supplies for Second Chance Last Opportunity in Newtown.
• Donated thank you gift bags to 100 nurses at both Sarasota Hospital and Doctors Hospital in appreciation of their efforts during the Covid Pandemic.
• Adopt a Road Cleanup four times a year to Support The Keep Sarasota Beautiful Campaign.
In the coming months we will again be doing a November food drive, more road cleanups and homeless outreach. All volunteers and donations for these events are possible because of generous talent and treasure donations to Project Pride SRQ from the community.
Please consider a donation to Project Pride Outreach so that we can continue these very important community outreach events and expand them into other parts of our Greater Sarasota Community.
Thank you for your generosity!